I'm not quite sure what you are saying? RE: Outdated - I don't say that as though it is a bad thing. Outdated means it is mainly running on old hardware with old visual techniques and old methods for creating a picture. It's essentially a gamecube. The NES, SNES, N64, GCN all made their predecessor become 'out-dated' graphically. The Wii is not much of a step up from the GCN graphically (like the others) and therefore has been 'outdated' by the PS3 and Xbox 360. Does this mean the graphics on any of these systems are 'BAD'? I don't think so, they are just 'outdated' because they use old technology. Make sense? Nintendo had to change because they were slowly going the way of sega, each new platform performing worse than the last, they had to change their target demographic in order to succeed. The Nintendo idea of 'lets just make really good games' on the GameCube days didn't work. Lets just make a 'games' machine only, it didn't work. I think your understanding of the meaning of the word commodity is a bit off? I understand that it means 'a product which is bought or sold' just a product really... I think you mean mainstream 'everyone has' kind of thing? 'Mainstream' has effected every market in a negative way, well if you look at it from someone who has been there 'from the beginning'. Eyetoy, Singstar, Guitar Hero, Buzz Quiz - these AREN'T these types of items? I feel like MANY things that I have been interested in from my childhood have grown into 'mainstream' things and been destroyed by it. Drifting and Motor Racing, Videogames, Music, Movies... everything in all of these industries is 'commercialised' it's the way of the world and you have to accept that. Nintendo aren't backing Sony and Microsoft into a niche, Sony and Microsoft and backing THEMSELVES into a niche. I like Nintendo gamers games, always have, always will, they always play really well, but I also like Hardcore games as well, RPG's, FPS, and most of these games will be seen on the PS3 and X360. Therefore Nintendo isn't really suiting me PROPERLY at the moment until more of there gamers games come out, their 'casual' games don't suit me.