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Leo-J -

I understand the logic of the Metacritic advantage between the Wii and PS3 (it's there), but when reaching out to Blue Ocean gamers, it throws away that kind of advantage.

Quiz: What's the best selling movie in theatres of all time? I'll give you a hint: It's not in the top-100 critically reviewed (or even user reviewed) movies of all time. Neither is Wii Fit or Mario Kart Wii, by the way, if we're using Metacritic numbers.

Wii has, to us, crap games. But to casual, new consumers, all they care about is the playability of a title. And heck, if Mario & Sonic, or Carnival games gives them that, then who am I to judge? I may disagree, along with most core gamers, but hey - at least they think it's fun, and are buying games! You know it's a wierd world for Sony gamers when Mario & Sonic can beat out Metal Gear Solid 4 by almost 2:1.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.