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Dodece said:
The question is a digital player in an analog world. More specifically its the modern equivalent of a zen riddle. There is no satisfactory answer its goal is to sweep one into a form of circular reasoning. The question is meant not to be answered. All I can say is that the eye sees everything in complete fidelity within the visible spectrum of light.

We cannot determine how much data is processed, or in what context it is processed. Scientists have yet to determine how consciousness intersects with raw data. They however know that the brain does not process data with true fidelity. The brain discards irrelevant data from consideration, and even so the brain is capable of processing more data in a given time then it normally does.

Have you ever hear the saying about time standing still. Say your in an accident, or you are in perceived danger. You will notice that time seems to slow down. Well its not time that is slowing down it is your brain expanding its processing of data many fold. So you are appreciating every moment more fully. This will give you an appreciation of the filtering that usually takes place. You will also notice a crispness to the world.

The human brain rarely runs at full fidelity. In fact were it to run at full fidelity for a prolonged period of time you would die. The hardware was never intended for strenuous use. Not to mention you would go mad, because all your sense acuity increases as well. You can feel more, hear more, and you ability to detect other radiations increases. Yes humans can and do hear radio waves, Microwaves, and can every detect magnetic irregularities. No bullshit you do have sixth senses.

Microwaves, and radio can be detected through the swelling of ones brain how sick is that.

But science can determine the chemical processes that are involved and they have that fairly well mapped out. Your eye can only see RGB you have a cone for each one and then there are rods. Rods and cones produce seperate chemicals. here is what happens when light hits the eye.


1. In the dark, opsin is bound tightly to retinene.

2. When light intensity is increased, retinene changes shape.

(This is a structural change from cis- to trans- form.)

3. Opsin cannot hold onto retinene, retinene comes off (this process is called bleaching).

4. Generator potential is produced when the membrane of a Rod is depolarized.

5. Generator potentials summate (add together) to form an action potential.
6. A nerve impulse is fired off to brain via the Optic Nerve.
7. Rhodopsin is reformed when retinene resumes its original shape using the energy in mitochondria (the power-house of every cell). This is light independent (does not need light).
8. Rhodopsin is ready to be bleached again.


It is not that dissimiliar from when a light hits a CCD


What dodece is talkign about is not even eyesight he is talking about short term and long term memory. The time it takes for the eye to complete a cycle particularly for the cones is set in stone. However if you flood the hypothalmus with dopamine and adrenaline you enhnace your short term memory. This is why time dialation occurs when some people smoke the weed by the way.


You brain swells when exposed to microwaves becuase it mostly water and microwaves excite water cuasing them to spin there spin increases collions with other water molecules and this is known as heat because they colide more often they push each other away and thus expand. Hence how a microwave oven works.