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kowenicki said:
@ blazinghead.

It is one town in the netherlands... the pop of Groningen being about 180,000. which mught be large by Dutch standards but is pretty small really. does this actually mean anything?

And anyway... all power to Microsoft for being able to provide quality entertainment at this price.

It's a very important city for the north of the Netherlands, people from all the little villages and cities in the north do their shopping there.

We have several big hospitals, the biggest is the UMCG, the only university medical center in the northern part of the Netherlands with 8500 employees.

The gasunie is the most important commercial company generating well over 1 billion Euros in profits per year.

Our university educated the first female student and the first astronaut in the history of the Netherlands, the first president of the European Bank and a Nobel prize winner. My girlfriend is still a Pharmacy student there.

Nightlife in Groningen is wild! Come and get your 360s here!

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales