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@nazna: I think both games will be making profit if they sell over 1m copies worldwide on their respective console. For single-player, I´m more inclined to SO4, whereas post-mortem (after finishing the single-player) WKC. SO4 will have lots of RPG elements, skills like cooking, scouting and the ability to build relationships with other characters to name a few, so that will add replay value. WKC will probably also have some strong RPG elements outside of combat. I think to me it will end up like replaying SO4 for other endings and focus on online-mode only after single-player of WKC. They both look great, to me though SO4 looks gorgeous (my only grip is the pic of that blue-haired Fellpool) . It´s not a best graphics contender, but how the gameplay flows, the slick menus, the crisp, sharp detailed backgrounds and characters is stunning.