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I'd especially recommend Disgaea: Hour of Darkness as well as the second (if you enjoy the first, of course). That's the only one on PS2 that I think of as in the same class as FE. La Pucelle Tactics was great as well. That's all I can really think of at the moment.

If you hadn't already played Final Fantasy Tactics already, you must do so immediately as it's considered the cream of the crop by most of the genre's fans. (If you can find Tactics Ogre, I hear they're quite great too)

If you have a PSP, J'eanne D'Arc was excellent.

Also, Shining Force is a very good series of which I think you can get on the Wii (at least one of them), if I'm not mistaken?

Edit: Oh, catch up on those Fire Emblems too. Everyone I've played so far has been great!