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Khuutra said:
You're not exactly making a good argument here. At no point have you suggested that Square does anything except follow the money, even if that means releasing on weaker hardware.


At the time they released FF4 on the SNES the Genesis had a far higher install base... it wasn't untill the end of the consoles cycle that the SNES pulled away from the Genesis and yet they stayed with Nintendo... I think Square was a traditional Japanese company at the time who stuck with Nintendo untill their vision out grew the company.  Sony did well for them, but this is a new age in consoles and multiplatforming is the new thing...  brand loyalty is out... the stake of companies are at risk, but I still think that if anything they'll keep FF high end... it's always been big production and possibly keep DQ on the low end... it's never been high production value dispite being a great series.