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$599.99 U.S. Dollars.

That's why. You can't convince $299.999 fans to pick up that kind of cost. Sony killed themselves the minute they announced the specs and the major analyst groups called them out on it. I remember when Meryll Lynch said that it was gonna cost $700-800 to build, and have slow cost reductions due to proprietary technology.

I think this generation proves that: Any company, no matter how large the market share it once had, can easily lose it's spot if they really do something stupid. Nintendo did it with the N64. Sega did it with the Saturn. Sony has done it with the PS3.

I called it over 2 and 1/2 years ago that the PS3 would be a boondoggle, and I was right. It's an overpriced system for what you get. Regardless of the Sony purists and SDF out there, mainstream gamers don't have $400+ for a system. They have $200-300 because of reliance on family, or budgeting.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.