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Comrade Tovya said:
Jackson50 said:
Palin would be a disaster. I am shocked and stupefied that people are considering her a viable candidate. Mark my words, Newt Gingrich will be the Republican nominee in 2012.

You're probably right.. real people who act like human beings don't make good politicians.  She's not "political" enough.

I love Newt though, I would love for him to our candidate.  My cousin is actually a colleague and friends of his, and he's pretty genuine.

No, real people who act like human beings would make excellent politicians...if they can demonstrate knowledge and competence. In my opinion, she demonstrated neither of those traits. She could not name one Supreme Court decision (other than Roe v. Wade) she disagreed with or one publication she read to remain abreast of foreign matters. Come on, Palin! How could you not provide cupcake answers such as Kelo v. New London or Time magazine? She was a disaster of a veep nominee, and she would be even more of a disaster as a presidential nominee.