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It's like asking every person leaving the stadium in the World Series what they think of the show "Desperate Housewives"

You are comparing almost opposite things. It's more like comparing Oprah to Ellen. Both are great and to each their own taste.

But wait isn't the Wii one like compeltely different cause of the fact of the wiimote and stuff.  I dont' know

A game is not better because of the control style, that would make PC games and console games different too.

Yet now lets look at Gears of War 2.  Or Halo 3.  Now tell me are these games just so much better than the earlier games, or is it just like you said you rated the previous ones so high and that these games have slightly more added or something, BUT MOST IMPORTANT they have better graphics, so then will get a better score.

This is the kind of thing I'm arguing against because it is blind ignorance to ask if GoW2 was better because they improved almost every single area of the game, and while I have access to a wii and about 30 wii games, it seems like some of you have never played the HD games you talk about. It also goes to show that you don't even realize that Halo 2 had a better score than halo 3, and is generally accepted to be the better game, although both are not as good as the original which was better because the other two, despite upgrades and tweaks, lacked the same kind of story depth.

Games are judged based on how much potential they reached. These reviewers are not elitists, they judge quality. They take their jobs seriously, and give a game what it is worth most of the time. That is where meta-collections fix any biases that might be present. Also your last passage is purely anecdotal.

gta4 was not disappointing. It is a great game. SO was tony hawk 2. Now the one problem that you guys are seeing is that you think these scores incorporate all time scores but they don't. They are based against what they could have been and what they did so well. Tony hawk 2 was one of the games that completely reinvigorated gaming, and gta4 is still one of the most polished, well put together games that I've ever seen.

Again this is anecdotal evidence, what you are saying is the most fun you've ever had is what you are applying to the majority of gamers, which simply isn't true. But the real issue here is that you are going a little bit overboard saying that this thread supports buying nothing but AAA games when it clearly doesn't. One thing you have to understand is that there exist games that are capable of blowing you away. Reviews help to show this because, like metacritic says, world of goo is AAA and I agree.
It is important to play what is your consoles's best games before you go and say that you've played the best games ever and they were underrated.