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are you braindead?

"regardless of their console being profitable.. lower revenue means lower profits.. I don't know how much they would have to pull in to stay afloat so I won't go much further into that but im sure they have expenses and if they fail to meet them they won't wait until they lose billions of dollars to start considering a third party transition.."

did you think when typing that? if it keeps selling at a means they DON'T LOSE ANY cent is lost..

even IF they sell less than expected: look at GC

they STILL made profits and didn't lose any money..

not earning as much as you'd like isn't the same as LOSING BILLIONS

like Rol said: they'd have to pull a couple of PS360 failures in a row to loose that much money to even CONSIDER becoming a 3d party

you seem like a troll to me...hoping Nintendo will fail.. XD

so...yeh *shrugs* as long as they make a's worth it