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bullshit is going see..

everyone hates on the Wii..I don't understand why..but this site's Leo-J

and some others...they are the ones who would give scores like that

the game is good..and even the Naruto games I love get much lower reader scores..

this game is infested with 8.0...

like I said I would score it ^_^

the problem here is: it's not HD
second problem: it's on the Wii

the minor problems are: not traditional Cv, not traditional art style, 3D fighter=shallow, bad camera

well..I have to disagree..Ultimate Ninja Storm is even MORE shallow than CvJ
yet it gets more praise.., it's not what? and the art style is one of my favorites..together with Kojima-san's work....and camera?...really?
what did they used to rate Resident Evil before 4
(or any DMC game)?....oh..yeah...pretty high

they always criticize the game for these points...while actually they gave it low because of the other points I mentioned earlier..: not HD, on Wii

wich means..nobody cares to play it..and by default it gets a low score..
it's pathetic..the bad press will kill this game..
unless we all talk about it and introduce people to it..this game will go down..

ALL official magazines give it a low score..except Nintendo Power (but people will call it biased..especially when 'neutral' aka HDfanboy magazines rate it very low)

any HD fan will bash it...and only praise the PS2 Cv games!!!

and completely forget the DS games..wich by now surpassed SotN ages ago

also..there's a new Cv coming for the HD consoles..and it pisses me off
not because I'm a fanboy
but because this game will have camera isseus and all the above problems..
maybe not the art...

and know what?

it'll score really high, not sell much..but still be known as the
'Greatest 3D Castlevania game to date!!'

and all reviews will mention Judgment and ridicule it and make it look pathetic..

like they did with Ocarina of Time..comparing it to GTA4..and saying GTA4 is a much better game..deserving a perfect