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reptile168 said:

The problem Sony (aside from false marketing, lies and broken promises) have with the PS3 is that from the beginning, they took gamers for granted and used the PS3 to win the video format war (trojan). Thus, a lot of smart gamers backlashed and boycott the PS3. The price was ridiculously high, but considering the high price, it fared well.


Am I the only one here that thinks the lies, scheming and broken promises actually helped Sony?  Well it did at first anyways.   It is untelling how many people held out buying an Xbox 360 because of them.  I bought my 360 day one, but to be honest I had my doubts about the system because of what Sony  Execs were spewing about its new system that was just over the horizon.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!