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Sorry I don't think you understood what I meant..

I don't mean they will just die off within seconds after losing market share.. I mean if Microsofts new handheld can split the market and take away Nintendos most profitable market and force Nintendo to rely on their console it could force Nintendo to shut down..

Because lets face it.. Nintendo won't wait until they've lost 20 billion dollars to drop out of the console and handheld market and start making titles for other consoles.. I say this is a strong possibility because Nintendo doesn't have other products to fall back on like Sony and Microsoft so once they become unprofitable and lose market share it becomes a dangers situation for them..

im not saying its going to happen I am merely suggesting it as a possibility.


1. Wii will never reach 50% market share.

2. Kz2 will sell 1.3 first week 3.5 LT.
Sales predictions for 09.

Wii - 69 - 72
PS3 - 32 - 34
X360 - 39 - 41