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(this is not a personal attack on anyone in this thread)

But this thread proves nothing, i personally do not believe in existance of a "Hardcore Gamer" but if you only looking at AAA titles on the console, you're as casual as people that buy Carnival Games and Deca Sports, because you have not even attempted to develop your own taste or style in gaming, you're unable to appreciate good games (that couldnt get a good review for some reason), true gamer can enjoy any sort of games (as long as it is a good effort).

Buying only AAA games, is supporting only Big budget games that have ridicilous amount of hype and marketing behing it. This is killing industry, because other games do not sell and are being ignored by the people.

I am suprised that nower days people treat Reviews as some sort of prodigies and anything less then 80% score is seen as not worthy of playing.

My most played games this generations have metacritic score of 72 and 78, and i had more fun with them then with games that are reviewed in its 90's.