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i mean its just getting harder and harder! i mean first we could whine about 3rd parties in general  but then some of them like sega and marvellous started to step up to the plate. then E3 came around so we got to mix things up a bit and blame nintendo. however since the conference that hasnt worked so well. I mean it does work on almost every site but this is vgchartz, people are more intellegent than that. and now we find that we cant even use our staple whinees


SE: as we all know they completely hate the wii and want it to fail so they truned a wii game into a DS port. however, noew we find out that only is crystal bearers still coming but DQX will be a wii exclusive!

Ubisoft: the best company to whine about, they put hardcore games to HD consoles and we get shovelware. but now there bringing over tenchuIV, giving us motion+ capabillity in red steel 2 and giving us  an exclsuive TMNT fighting game. this is a game made by the developers of brawl. they made brawl.  brawl is of nintendo quality. which means ubisoft could be giving us a game of nintendo quality! :O:O:O:O:O:O

so what can we do now? i think weve reached the stage where we need to start whining about not every multiplat being on wii. i guess we could start with capcom since there not giving us bionic commando, street fighter or resident evil 5. Plus  DR port looks horrible. but then we have to remember that there giving us monster hunter tri and spyborgs. and whilst EA didnt give us dead space or mirror's edge,  there are giving us a motion plus wimbledon game and boom blox 2.

Therefore i suggest we start winning about developers giving us stuff but not giving it enough. I mean, SE isnt giving us a new IP or a final fantasy XIII game. and yes we get tenchu IV and TMNT but thats only 2 games in a whole year from a big publisher

or, and i think this is the best idea, everyone should stop whining altogether


 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia