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Rainbird said:
Comrade Tovya said:
mtofu said:
^ maybe he's influenced by the system that he sees you using the most.

previously i've gotten different games, handhelds and/or consoles for my brothers.

for the first year we're doing secret santa in the (extended) family. the person i have doesn't have a current gen console but is considering getting the ps3. i might just get a gift card for bestbuy so he can get a bluray movie or game... or put it towards his console purchase.

i'm going to gift myself one game for each system... because that's what christmas is all about.



I gave him my old orginal XBOX, and like all good things, they die.

He is just addicted to the Halo series if you ask me...



As a 7-year old? O_o


Heck yeah, he started playing Halo when he was 2... he's actually really good.  My mates used to come over and we'd throw LAN parties and he would play too. 

One time my buddy Kiran was talking smack while he was playing (my kid was 3 at the time), and Jordan walked over and turned off his XBOX... so now Kiran won't trash talk Jordan while he's playing against him in Halo now...

As a reminder, we posted this pic on his MySpace...


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
