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PSUNews: "Speaking to Eurogamer, Quantic Dream founder David Cage has heaped praise on Team ICO Director Fumito Ueda. He also had warm words for Media Molecule's critically acclaimed but commercially unloved LittleBigPlanet.

"I really think he has something interesting and something unique," Cage said of Ueda. "He has a real sense of poetry in his games. It's very different from how I see games and what I want to make, but I really love his work." He added that Ueda's reputation-making ICO and Shadow of the Colossus are the only two games in existence with real emotional impact.

"I think the more it goes, the more this industry will need art directors and less producers," Cage observed later. "We'll still need producers, of course, but we need to feel that there are people behind games. I've always loved games that have a soul, where you can feel the people behind them, and it's rare these days."

One such game, he went on, is LittleBigPlanet. "LittleBigPlanet is a game with a soul, and when you play it you love this game, because you play so many games that are just cold fish.

"It can be a beautiful fish! It can smell good, it can taste good. But it's just a dead fish. And here you feel that there are human beings behind it."

There you have it: games are fish.

Quantic Dream's latest project, the mechanically innovative, emotionally fraught Heavy Rain, is due out in the second half of 2009. Recent screenshots suggest it's worth keeping an eye on."



Cool. Looking forward to the PS3 ICO game, even though i'll most likely Never try there original 2.