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KichiVerde said:

Sony must accept the fact that they have failed this generation. First off the dominance the PS2 enjoyed in the past was not replicated with the PS3. Second, they are failing financially. If they expect to make any sizeable profit off their gaming department their strategy needs to change fast. Third, they have failed at innovating the industry. Everything Sony does is a rip off of Nintendo or MS. Aside from Blue ray and the occasional title that is original, Sony has sunk in to the realm of imitators and mediocrity.

I once thought highly of Sony. I believed they were really taking gaming to the next level with the development of the Cell processor and PS3. I expected big things. But now I see Sony has failed. It may not be the biggest failure, but it will have an impact on their future development. Really, whats the point of carrying on in a growing market if you still stand to lose money because the competition is too strong?

Perhaps Sony would be wise to pull out of the gaming industry this generation and cut their losses like Sega did after the Dreamcast. They could still focus on making good games, but make them for other consoles on which those titles will sell well and generate more revenue.

Why not own up to their failure and bow out with dignity? Leave the gaming industry to those who know best, Nintendo and MS.


When sony do eventually pull out of the hardware market i will light a big fat cigar, crack open a nice cool can of fosters lager and party harder than i've ever partied before.