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Gold/Silver did have the best rival. He freaking stole his starter.. that's badass. Also he's Giovanni's son. Also if you consider Wally your rival in R/S, I just found him obnoxious and depressing at times and I'm sure that D/P's had ADHD.. If you consider May/Brendan your rival, I didn't like the fact that you couldn't battle her/him with using full evolved Pokemon. The last battle seemed too early.

"Gary" is cool but what I did like about him was that he seemed to inappropriately outclass you in everything(he caught more Pokemon than you even though you couldn't possibly catch that many at the point in the game).. he was even the Champion.. Also he was smug as hell but I guess that comes with "being the best."

Also at Grey Acuman.. how could you like 100% of the Pokemon in R/B.. I personally hated Vileplume, Seel, Weepinbell, and Mankey..

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