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Ronster316 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Ronster316 said:

Crash bandicoot? Was he ever any good? I think not.......... as i said they showed us nothing in the development department for 5 years, sure, their hardware was good after ken "thief" kutaragi stole hardware ideas from Nintendo during his time there but the fact remains they showed me nothing for 5 years and got by purely on the strength of the 3rd party games they moneyhatted.

Whatever next? is someone going to say that battle arena toshinden was "good"?


Your hate for sony makes no sense.

Nintendo would have taken sega off as a hardware company at some point anyway, and if they didnt Microsoft certainly would have if sony would have stood out.

Therefore you make no sense at all so in conclusion what the hell?


Thats funny, i know that the SNES beat the Megadrive but Sega were more than holding their own back then, what was Nintendos next machine after the SNES? yup, the N64, for me personally if sony had not gatecrashed the party theres a very strong chance the Sega saturn would have more than held its own against the N64,  Nintendo and Sega both got beat up badly by Sony, yes, the ps1 beat the Saturn and N64 hands down due to Sony coming in all guns blazing and with money to burn........

I have explained this many times....... Microsoft may be doing what sony did back in 1994 but for me it was sony that turned this market in to the dog eat dog world it has become, therefore thats why i don't care anymore who wins...... As long as its not sony.

And maybe your right, maybe Nintendo would have taken Sega out at some stage, but at least they would have won "Fair and square" not with big fat wallets and cheques.

Putting it that way thats true to a large extent.

At anyrate yes sega is great @ making awesome quality games i get your point, but sony in the end did bring us some epic ones aswell, legend of the dragoon(PS1) was infact one of them tis a shame they never continued it.

But as people would say and i Really, REALLY hate this word...its Business...

I understand were your coming from though and i respect your opinion now. for example i wouldnt want Level 5 to take out Square Enix as an epic JRPG company nor would i want MS to take out Sony as a Hardware comapny so both MS and Sony do well at what they do and Level 5 and SE do well at what they do.

In conclusion, ... *sigh* ...