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vlad321 said:


Let me guess.... those 99,5% are all console gamers? Then again even a lot of PC gamers think I'm crazy when I call CS a weak game. When it comes down the the wire, TF2 is a far better game than CoD4, and that's why CoD4 didn't sell at all, like I said, it's jsut a mediocre shooter, paling when compared to TF2.


TF2 pales in comparison to the original.  But that is a different matter.


It would appear that there are no licence fees involved with developing retail Windows products.  But one must think that M$ believes there is money to be made by having games on Windows.  Look at Games for Windows for proof of that.  It is now free so there is no money to be made by subscription fees.  Fallout 3 is in fact one of the Games for Windows games, and has been promoted as such.  M$ probably even paid them for that.  So not only is it coming to both 360 and PC, but M$ wanted them to make it a Games for Windows game.  Not only that, but M$ has released several of their first party 360 games onto the PC.  They must not care too much about PC eating away at 360 sales.  Most pc games require Windows to run.  And yes there are ways around that, but those people are also the ones who are more likely to pirate games in the first place.