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selnor said:

PS3 fanboys are hilarious. (you may own games for windows but I know you own a PS3).

Forgive me if I'm wrong but you have Windows right? That would mean for you to play your little PC games with DX9 or the awesome latest DX10 you line M$ pockets. When you understand I'll let you through to high school.

I wont bother. A game on PC as well as 360 does not hurt 360 sales. You only have to look at the dismal sales of 360, PC only games on PC to know that. LOL COD 4 sold more on 360 in 3 weeks than it has on PC in LT.



I have a PS3 and a high end gaming PC, if some of the more high profile games had remain 360 exclusive rather than 360 + PC, (L4D and the upcoming Alan Wake come to mind) I would have had a lot more incentive to purchase a 360.

As it is, the only game that could force my hand on MS's current upcoming lineup is SO4 so we'll see come its EU release date.

This is of course nothing more than anecdotal and I doubt MS cares for my one insignificant non-purchase, especially when I'm gaming on Window, but its still one potential 360 they failed to gain :)

Well at least for now...