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cool, i want to get fallout 3 for the ps3. but i'll wait until they release a patch that includes trophy support, then i will get the game.

Dude this is not available on PS3 and never will be. The DLC is for 360 only.

Here is info about the game. IGN interview. Any self proclaiming Fallout 3 fan is gonna need this add on. Level cap increase to. Also the DLC adds around 4 - 5 hours of added campaign. Plus tons of extra stuff. ONLY 800 M$ points.

IGN: Will the download bring any new perks? My cannibal is hungry for more.

: Yes, there will be a new perk included with the content! I won't get into details, but it's named "Covert Ops."

IGN: We're not expecting something as big as Shivering Isles for this first batch of DLC, but how lengthy is Operation Anchorage?

: It's about four or five hours, depending on play style. Plus, it will give you new weaponry and other tools that the player can use through the main game.