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hentai_11 said:
Rpruett said:

Little Big Planet is a casual game that got rave reviews on Meta Critic and elsewhere. 

I'm not saying you're totally wrong,  but quality of a game should not be based off of sales.  Quality of a game is/should be based on many areas of criteria.   For example,  Metal Gear Solid 4 has undeniable quality (Graphics, Sound, Gameplay, Online mode, etc).  Wii sports is a cheap game that is packaged with the Wii that shows off the basic controls of a game, sure people own it but your forced to own it.


Sorry, but Little big planet is a hardcore game, which only looks like a casual game. (Level-editing is not very casual ...)

And I am pretty sure, that more people played and enjoyed Wii-Sports, than Metal Gear Solid 4. However, I think that both games are quality games. They just have different qualities.


I think this is an important point.


Games should be judged on their own merits. What I object to is the judgement of casual titles by a hardcore criteria that is almost diametrically opposed to them.


It’s fine to judge AAA hardcore games on Xbox360 with AAA hardcore games on PS3, but when you throw them in with Nintendo’s casual hits, you are comparing apples to oranges.


Sure, I admit that a comparison based purely on sales is not perfect, but it’s more grounded in reality and it’s more representative.  A casual perspective is extremely rare in the hardcore dominated gaming press, so a casual point of view is not represented in a metacritic comparison. But both hardcore gamers and casual gamers buy games, so both demographics are present in a sales comparison.