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xponent I wrote that part about mkwii because of you. There are plenty of great games that are not on the 90+ rating, and the fact that you call wii fit mainstream gaming just hurts your own argument.
A game that sells a lot does not mean it is a AAA game. AAA means that the game exceeds certain gameplay expectations. Several pokemon are AAA and well deserved, the games you listed are not AAA.
If you really think wii sports is AAA you need to stop judging others.

I just wrote the hardcore part to have a better title, and in part to show what kinds of games console owners tend to buy AAA. (It's why I put the :P in the title, cuz it's silly)

everything is explained in the OP.


EDIT: I'm sorry, you have every right to call wii fit mainstream gaming. But calling it AAA gaming is delusional.