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soccerdrew17 said:
Soriku said:
soccerdrew17 said:
Soriku said:
soccerdrew17 said:
can someone please explain to me why they want kh3 on wii? kh is a button masher, a sophisticated one but a button masher nonetheless. i say this out of affection for the series, as it is probably my all time favorite, and curiosity as to why people want it to be translated.

yes, it would go through "innovation" to appear on the wii, but is it really worth that "innovation" for the games to lose part of its identity?

*disclaimer: i have a wii that is unused and a very used ps3. i am a playstation gamer not a fanboy.


I think many people would think that attack would be mapped to A like many other games on the Wii. Some things would benefit from motion controls - mini games, gummi ships, magic, etc. But they won't put anything tiring.

kh2, which had a less sophisticated lock on system (couldn't toggle enemies as well as kh1) used 2 joysticks, 8 buttons, and the up and down arrows.  please map this to the wiimote for me.



Sophisticated lock system? Yeah right. How hard can a lock system be?


Lock - Z button
Joysticks - Joystick on the Wii
Camera - C maybe.
Attack - A
Scroll menus - D-pad
The special attacks in KH2 (forgot the name ATM) - B

That wasn't so hard.

so ur dropping the short cut button, which was an absolute life saver considering how much it sucked to scroll in the midst of battle.  also dropping either context or set skills.  and dont forget about the trigger button (although they could just drop this entirely).

i didnt say it was sophistaicated, i just said more sophisticated.  you could lock on and then cycle through the enemies.  it was an amazing feature and pretty much saved the game due to the terrible camera.


Why does Soriku need to map PS2 controls to the Wiimote? If Square is smart they'll make a new control scheme that takes advantage of the Wiimote and build the battle system around that. 

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"