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Clearly Wii software, and to a lesser extent DS software have a lower ratio of ‘AAA’ games than other platforms.

But what does this indicate?

Importantly, it highlights the extent to which the snobcore gaming press are completely out of touch with the mainstream gamer.

Wii Fit – 80, Mario Kart Wii – 82, Nintendogs – 83, Brain Training – 77, Wii Sports – 76

Apart from sharing releatively mediocre metacritic scores, what the above games have in common is that they will be the best selling games of the current generation when all is said and done (Alongside more traditional titles like NSMB and Pokemon D&P). None of them are ‘AAA’ according to a hardcore criteria.

Metacritic scores are useful when evaluating traditional platforms, but because the hardcore press don’t really ‘get’ the 'expanded' titles common on the the DS and Wii, these platforms will be naturally disadvantaged by such comparisons.