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1337 Gamer said:
C8 said:
leatherhat said:
Microsofts only goal with this gen has been to beat sony, they have no other interest. As long as at the end of the gen they can say they sold one more xbox then ps3, they will be happy, they have no interest in actually doing something for the game community


Nothing, other than delivering huge improvements in online play, achievements, social play, great graphics, some innovative 1st/2nd party games (some with huge sales, others with just new ideas), and being the first to market with an internet video store for your TV, then adding Netflix 2 years later - all at an ever decreasing price point.  Come on, I agree what the MS rep wrote is arrogant - but how you interpret this as "have no interest in doing something for the game community" - no idea.

All along Wii's differentiator was motion controls, Xbox's was the best online, and Sony's was BluRay - but BluRay is becoming less relevant both because the players have gotten to less than half the price of a PS3 and because it's not growing at the rate Sony hoped - while the Xbox is adding more casual features and more in the internet video space.  Nintendo's still firmly the only console with great motion controls (PS3 tried a little here, even Xbox tried a little with Lips, but really - it's nothing next to Wii).  And of course Nintendo has the big buzz.  PS3 was living on last gen's accomplishments - something that becomes less and less relevant as we move further into this gen.

Yes, PS3 will improve if they drop their price - but IMO even matching the Xbox price (for equivalent hardware - say 60GB or 80GB PS3 for $300) I still think they will be beat by some (smaller) margin by the 360.

K im an xbox Fan but i cannot see it equaling the PS3's sales if they were the same price. I dont think they would be very far off but i think the PS3 would win most months. Even though Blu-ray isnt taking off i doubt people wouldnt want it if it was cheap enough. I mean its pretty much same game selection with free blu-ray i mean i would have bought a PS3 first if this was the case


Well ... perhaps we'll have an opportunity to see how that scenario plays out in the spring.  Personally (and I know many will disagree) Netflix support is more valuable than BluRay - it gets used more in my home.  And the video marketplace on Xbox also has vastly more TV content than the PS3 video marketplace and about the same amount of movie content.  (granted PS3 marketplace has the option to buy movies which Xbox lacks - but I'm not buying digital movies until they work almost everywhere).

Yes, I am an xbox fan - but I also do have all three consoles in my house at the moment (PS3 is borrowed, Wii I own but may sell before xmas when/if they get sold out at retail because even my 4yo doesn't seem interested in playing it).  BluRay does look fantastic to me - but I'm a home theater nut - I know many people who can't tell / don't care enough to try to tell.