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It really comes down to if you believe in what good for a secular society, or what's good for a 'religious' society. I really don't get the latter because everyone in America is going to burn in hell for avarice and coveting thy neighbors property (like that Iphone your friend has? GET ONE and It's right this way to HELL, Like George Carlin said, it runs the economy this commandment is fucking stupid lol). Anyway the religious argument is bullshit because we are all burning. What's good for a society then? Does the devaluation of life continously create a more immoral people? I mean come on, if you can abort people you certainly care less about human life. On the other hand though, hasn' t the devaluation of life occured more so in news media, cinema, and just through our warlike nature? Abortion isn't a spectator sport, like a movie is when we all cheer when a "bad" guy gets his head blown off. Abortion is intensely personal and has a profound effect on ones conscience (I know not everyones). I think our society would be actually much better if abortion was the only way life was "devalued", then it would be intensely personal. Like if we had to kill our own food, we would have a greater appreciation for what has occured. This is all over the place and no, I'm not saying to eat fetuses. I guess I'm just suprised at the black and white nature of the arguments posted on here. Killing is bad ergo, we shouldn't kill. Wait...ammend that so it just is for fetuses. This may seem like a dumb question, but is using a condom immoral? I mean, using one would be preventing life from occuring and fucking with God's work.

Sorry this is all over the place. I just think this issue is made to be out to be too easy, but maybe I'm touting moral relativism too much.