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Max King of the Wild said:
LNRT said:
Max King of the Wild said:


 Because of all the soccer moms who watch the Ellen show.

and those moms buy it to just look at it? or do they buy it to play games on it?


 Well that really was a joke but if you want to know my experience with PS3's then....

My moms work had a PS3 tourny.... the people who brought it in bought the wii for wii sports and had no other games... Don't know enough people who own PS3's to have a tourney of any sort

My mom wanted to buy a PS3 for me. I told her no thanks. She said why its fun (From seing commercials). Then I showed her the game selection at gamestop anc compared it to the 360's. Now she doesn't want it.

My coworker bought a PS3 and only has Blu Ray movies... last time I checked. Haven't been to his house since new years. cause he got fired.

another one of my friends bought a PS3 and sold it because the only games he liked was a 360 Port and he got bored of it. He bought COD4 and he bought MGS4.

One of my girlfriends had a wii... all she had was wii sports and monkey ball. I actually don't know a single girl who owns a PS3... well neither a 360..

Those are all my run ins with the PS3.


So I guess my experience with the PS3's are similar to your experience with the Wii...

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)