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Good numbers all around.

Oh, and for 2007 comparison, this is what happens, it seems:

Week after Black Friday: -30%
Next Week: +30% (so around BF numbers next week)
Next Week: +20%
Next Week: +15% (week before Christmas)
Christmas Week: -50%

ASSUMING we see similar margins of increase, this would put average console sales around 75-80% higher for the highest week of the year - just before Christmas.

IF this was indeed the case, we should see the following for peak sales in NA:

Wii ~931,000
X360 ~561,000
PS3 ~261,000

And PAL should look like (with a 40% increase...which should be expected):

Wii ~840,000
X360 ~450,000
PS3 ~ 246,000

That'd put both territories to:

Wii ~1,771,000
X360 ~1,011,000
PS3 ~507,000

Overall, great if true. Wii could/should hit 2m at one point.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.