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As per the PR notes:

In Operation: Anchorage the player will find themselves able to re-live the famous liberation of Anchorage from Fallout lore
The Chinese red army is everywhere, and the player will first have to secure the surrounding mountain side and then fight their way into the Chinese base. The player will have to use a lot of their standard combat skills, along with several new tools that will only be available in the downloadable content. These include interactive Strike Teams under the player's command and unique armor, weapons, and other exotic gadgets.

Other info:
-Operation: Anchorage will be about 4-5 hours long
-New weapons and perk
-Combat/stealth oriented
-800 MS Points
-Update (bug fixes) for all versions of Fallout 3 coming
-Second DLC, The Pitt, will take place in Pittsburgh
-Third DLC, Broken Steel, will increase the level cap

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.