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Sony Discussion - Need Help? - View Post

Leashalou said:
xmb does it sometimes but it goes all jittery and sh*t after a while- sometimes even turning itself off completely.... I dunno im thinkin its a cable issue- but im gettin heaps of ideas- now im startin to think cos of the fuzzyness and stuff its a hertz issue- but ive pretty much played around with all the hertz settings and stuff- changed the frames- turned the hertz down on the tv- done it on the ps3 and still no change?

If your tv does in fact support 1080p you should be running it at 1080p (that's 1920x1080 pixels) @ 60 frames a second, or 60hz.  (this is in the XMB)

Do you know what your display's model number is, so we can look it up on the net?