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Marketshare matters. 360 having the extra year to establish the brand matters. I think if we hadn't seen the RROD scare of a year and a half ago, the gap would be much greater.

People want what other people have. If all their friends have 360, they will want a 360 so they can play together. I think the growth in Live memberships and friends list adds and the like demonstrates this. MS just released a bunch of numbers since the NXE launch that shows that Live usage is through the roof - word of mouth and peer influence matters.

There will always be those who want what others DON'T have - but most people want to be part of the crowd. I think Wii/DS sales reflect that as well. They had a successful launch with something that grabbed people's interests and then it became one of those things that families HAVE to have or else you have bad parents, or you're not one of the cool older generation.

The more the gap grows, the more PS3 is going to struggle to gain a stronger foothold.

Add this to the price, and you have the current situation. If you have someone who is wavering on 360 or PS3, and their friends have a 360 AND it's cheaper? Sold. As the numbers swing in 360's favor, this will continue unless PS3 has some mindblowing games or 360 releases go absolutely in the tank quality- and interest-wise.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?