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bbsin said:
Riachu said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ theRepublic

I don't neccessarily like the idea of multiplatform games. I just don't understand why SE keeps making exclusive JRPGS for a system that's not selling them very well. If they keep them exclusive that's fine, I'd rather have tons of exclusives vs tons of multiplats, but I'm saying I doubt Square is happy with the sales figures of IU or TLR.

TLR and IU didn't sell very well because they were rushed to release. Is it a coincidence that both of those games, especially TLR suffer from nearly game breaking technical issues? No. Also, S-E hyped up those two games in Japan but forgot to hype them in the West. It's lazy marketing like this that makes people assume JRPGs are dead. The sales figures for them declined in the last few years but they are far from dead.


Are you serious? SquareEnix marketed that crap out of both games. There were commercials running on Spike, CBS, ESPN, Adultswim (cartoon network) and G4tv. Compared to the amount of airtime Resistance2 and MGS4 got, you might aswell give the SquareEnix Market team a raise. I can only speak for North America.

I think it might have something to do with the review scores they both got.  I say the commercial for IU but not for TLR.  I didn't even know there was a commercial for that game.