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@ DmeisterJ

First of all, I loved your "blow up" post -- you're right, some people take things too seriously, and sometimes it seems like people enjoy each others' pain, which is... not cool. I appreciate your earnestness.

That said, these Forum threads involve discussion, argument and debate. And mature conversation relies on honesty to be successful. When people "discuss" a topic but refuse to be intellectually honest about some key point (like saying that PS3 sales are doing "awesome" without significant context), then it kind of ruins these conversations we're trying to have. And so, when I see someone acting like that, and someone else calls them out with reference to numbers, stats, *reality*, it does kind of make me feel good. Not because I imagine the PS3 fanboy (or whatever) is hurt, but because I like seeing bad logic beat and shit conversation turned into humor and truth.

I have nothing against the PS3, or any other console or handheld. I have very little personal stake in these "console wars," except for some nostalgic love of Nintendo, an identification with what I take to be their corporate philosophy, and the fact that, as a Wii owner, I want as many great games to come to my console as possible. I also have nothing against the fanboys of any other system. In particular, since I've been on VG Chartz, I've come to develop more respect for you, PSRock, and even Leo-J! ;) I would be very happy if everyone here, whatever they personally love or hate, could conduct themselves in a mature way & make great discussions w/o trolling, or flaming, etc.

But until that happens, if a fanboy makes some outrageous claims and then persistently refuses to see reason despite logical argument and solid evidence... I'm afraid I'll continue to take pleasure in their being shown up.

I hope that doesn't make me a bad person.