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Not predictions, but what should be the goals of each console this holiday season? Wii :: I believe the Wii has the most "online hype" heading into the holiday season. The supply channels are still starved for the most part, and as Nintendo relaxes them heading into the holiday it could lead to amazing sales this holiday season. However if rumors are true and Nintendo still hasn't fixed its supply problems (although I think they have) it could lead to disaster. Nintendo should be aiming for a gangbuster holiday that will insure 3rd party developers in North America that they can generate substansial sales in 2008 and 2009. Currently at 4.3 Million, they should aim to pass 8 Million in North America by years end. Thats a number developers can't ignore. (Goal: 3.7 Million Sold) XBox 360 :: Microsoft has been carefully handling the RROD issue, and they'd better hope to high heaven that its been resolved. If it turns out that the HDMI enabled, improved heatsink consoles still have failure rates above the 5%~ range, the press will go bonkers. However at the current rate it "seems" that MS will have the new consoles totally in the supply channel when the Holiday season really heats up and they begin pushing consoles. As of now, Microsoft Arguably has the best supply channel in place (they had a year headstart) and they can move literally as many consoles as they can sell (exception perhaps being the Elite). Microsoft has had a tough year, but has the opportunity to mantain dominance in North America with a good showing. It can't afford to hemorage much of the "hardcore" gaming crowd to the Playstation 3, and it needs to mantain a solid lead on the PS3 to insure that most third party games stay multi-platform at the very least. Microsoft currently has 6.75 Million consoles in North America. They should aim to surpass 10 Million consoles this holiday season. (Goal: 3.25 Million Sold). PS3 :: Sony, irregardless of what people say, is still a juggernaut of a brand. Although I've soured big time with Sony (I dislike their PR machine). As an buyer of the PS2 at launch, and a happy Sony gamer for a while, I admit I still have interest in the PS3 after whats amounted to a lackluster year. And the public seems to think the same, since the PS3 is arguably still selling really well considering the pricing and slate of games. Sony is still a big player in this race, and long term the PS3 is perhaps best positionede to really make some moves (looking down a couple years). Its a great piece of hardware, and if Sony can overcome objections to the price, they'll push some serious units. For now though Sony just needs to stay in this race while supply costs come down, and this means insuring a large enough base to attract and keep 3rd party development on the PS3. The current base in North America is roughly 1.9 Million, this Holiday season Sony should look to at least double the size of it. (Goal: 2.1 Million Sold) Conservative goals for all the consoles, and just having some fun. My commentary is meh! But my goals are honestly the "lowest" any of the consoles should aim for. In reality I'm sure the powers that be are each hoping their console can push 4 Million units this holiday season, but the numbers I've posted would insure a "victory" nontheless for each.

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