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DMeisterJ said:
Fernando said:
Just say it: "The PS3 is doing bad"

You guys will feel better... just face it... face your fears...

The problem is people like you and Maynard who are rubbing in the fact that the PS3 isn't doing good. 

Don't be an asshole. 

Make your observation, and move on. 

The PS3 isn't doing good.  Big fucking deal.  You take the console wars so seriously.  Guess how much the PS3 not doing good affects your everyday life?  None.  You don't work for Sony, or have stock in the company, so if it sells 1 unit or 1 billion units in a week, the fact of the matter is that it has no affect on you positively or negatively.  The fact that you get some sort of sick enjoyment or pleasure out of what some people do take to heart makes you an asshole and a very sad person.  Some people cannot tell the difference between what affects them and what doesn't, and physically can't admit that the PS3 is doing bad because of that.  But it's not up to you to rub it in and get some sort of pleasure out of always posting your PS3 hate.  We all know you don't like it, and love that they're not doing good.  But rubbing it in is such a bitch move. 

I really don't care if I get reported or banned for the comment or what I said, because someone needs to tell the fucking truth on this site, and if I'm going to be the only person to do so, then that's what I'm going to do.

Uh, isn't that a contradiction? If what you're saying is correct, and I think it is btw, then that goes for everyone, ESPECALLY PS3 fanboys who are the worst when it comes to these "console wars." If things were the other way around, how QUICK do you think people would jump on 360's back, especially because it doesn't have as much brand loyalty as Sony (obvious thing is obvious, Sony has been in the game since PS1)? I see people jump on 360 sales when it only sold 10k less in Europe. Imagine 150k?

Point is, you're right, but it goes the opposite way as well. (ESPECIALLY the opposite way)

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