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MrBubbles said:
akuma587 said:
Why do pro-life people act like pro-choice people are pro-abortion? And why do they act like forcing everyone else to adopt the same behavior as you is the morally superior choice?

I think abortion is terrible. But that doesn't mean I think it should be illegal. People should make the decision for themselves, just like whether or not they decide to have sex in the first place.

Some people find interracial marriages to be immoral, and find smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol to be immoral. The government is not a moral referee, and it is ironic that many people who think the government should be a moral referee are against government intervention in any other context.

We'll take halogamer for instance. He is against government sponsored healthcare and against "socialism," but he is for the government telling women how to control their bodies.

Why should the government get involved? Shouldn't we let "the market" or social education programs fix the problem? Its just unnecessary regulation on private behavior that the government should have no interest in whatsoever.

Why should the government give tax exemptions to churches? I find that morally offensive.


im sure he probably thinks that the military and police are good services though.  ones that (should) protect a countries citizens...even those who cant defend themselves... like the unborn.

This I have to answer with a Hoo-rah!!  You are damn skippy that the military and police forces are good services.  Without them you most likely would not be here today.  Ask anyone in the mil if it is political.  It is not--it is for the guy on your 6 and the guy on point.  They protect us and you should be grateful.  Now as for overuse of political power, etc, etc, you would cry for a military if a power came in a kicked the order around--don't even bring up Iraq as a comback.  Like the Joker said, "Introduce a little chaos."  That is when you find out whether you are a true lib or a true Repub.  Now, OT halogamer actually says that abortion is a murder and should only happen after rape and not in the third trimester.  Hipocritical, not in the least.