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mikedh006 said:
When people talk about the Wii, they usually only ever bring up the sales. I mean, what games would you talk about? The best games this holiday season are an Animal Crossing DS port, a snowboarding game, and Skate it. I used Nintendo consoles primarly until this generation because if I had a Wii only I would have to settle for mediocrity and not get to pick from the best games.

Hannah Montana is the rage in terms of music sales, but how many music enthusiats actually discuss her music? No one is going to forget about the PS3 or the 360.

I would talk about the games I am still playing that have released through launch to date, because they don't get old.

I honestly haven't met another person IRL that gives a crap about wii sales, but they have fun with wii regardless of the fact that they are completely unaware that it is destroying the ps3 and 360 in sales (same goes for ps3 and 360 owners IRL who enjoy their games, and they just don't know anything about how they are going in sales, they just know that the wii is popular in the mainstream).. i know, shock and awe, right?

When people talk about the wii on this site, more than any other, the sales will be brought up.. why? we are on a Sales Discussion website, so what do you expect? If someone asked me in my day to day life what is good to get for the wii, I wouldn't reply with "it doesn't matter, as long as you contribute to the overall sales" nor do i say "don't bother getting it.. it is destroying 360 and ps3 already without your unnecessary support"..

I recommend to them the games that I have been playing for months (and coming on years).. the very same games that coincidentally seem to reappear in the top 50 every single week

Eg. These past two weeks (talking about what i played on wii only, i also play pc and ds games), I have played Wii Sports, Wii Play, Mario Strikers Charged, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, De Blob, Mario Kart Wii and Metroid Prime 3 (and Ocarina of Time)... Now, I have finished pretty much all of these games, and yet I still prefer to play them before even considering the unopened pc game boxes that are currently sitting on my desk.

So when I talk about the wii, I talk about the fact that (for me) it is hard to stop having fun, even if I am playing the same game as I was yesterday, last week, last month or even last year.

(PS - can anyone take a guess at how bored I am at work at the moment?)