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Rickthestick 2 said:

Pokemon Gold and Silver were the pinnacle of Pokemon in my opinion. They had mastered the formula of Red and Blue, and enhanced the entire game with so many features, two regions, and awesome legendary pokes. By the time Ruby and Sapphire came around however, the formula had gotten stale. They were basically the same as Red and Blue, and didn't have the massive influx of new features like Gold and Silver had, in comparison to their predessecors.

Pearl and Diamond were by far the worst though. Because they were the same games we played so long ago. But this time it was extremely cheesy and weak. While it did have some good points like a massive map, and an "evil team" the rises above most others in the Pokemon series, it was clearly made for kids. Now games made for kids is never a bad thing, but when a Pokemon game is made so much for kids that it alienates its core consumers who grew up with the game, well that's just bad.

D/P had you as a ten year old 80 pound kid. That sucks. See, the main characters in Gold and Silver were cool. The main characters in Fire Red and Leaf Green were cool. Heck, the guy from Pokemon Colosseum was awesome. And Why were there massive amounts of legendaries in D/P? That ruined the end of the game. That didn't just rehash the formula, but it duplicated the formula and made it worse.

So yeah I'm mad about the way the Pokemon series has 'evolved'. Gold and Silver was the best in the Pokemon series, and it only went down hill from there. I say enough with the sequels and make a NEW pokemon game. One with some nostalgic elements from blue and red and gold and silver and others, but still has its own distinguishing formula that's fun to play, and you feel cool playing it. I don't want to have some little cheeseball running around my screen.

Pokemon has never been about the main characters. Now that that's out of the way...

I agree with you that Gold/Silver/Crystal were the pinnacle of the evolution of the series. They had the two maps, which in my opinion was the best part of the game. Not only did it extend the story line, but you got to play Kanto as if years had passed, and everyone had gotten stronger, better, and evolved themselves as trainers. I was twelve at the time and I appreciated that.

Diamond and Pearl in my opinion really isn't about rehashing the game or completely changing the experience, but it's about giving variety to the game. With almost 500 pokemon, creating a team you like that's also competetive is a hell of a lot easier than it was with the original 151. I mean, you had Mewtwo, Mew, Dragonite, and your choice of three legendaries for the best team in the game.

Red/Blue/Green created the genre.

Yellow gave it a twist

Gold/Silver/Crystal advanced the series into the realm of being epic.

Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald tried to rehash the appeal of RBG in a new land, more pokemon etc, buuut, the biggest differences were in the movepool expansion and most of the changes were for the sake of competitive battling, in my opinion.

Fire Red/Leaf Green were for nostalgias sake. The addition of the Sevii islands did nothing for me. In my opinion these are the very worst of the series.

Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Is Ru/Sa/E done right. The addition of Wi-Fi, separation of physical/special attacks, and as a poster said before me "a clusterfuck of fan service".


The absolute best Pokemon game in my opinion would include all the lands/sidequests and nuances of the old games while adding a little twist a la Pokemon yellow.

Rankings from an experienced pokemon fan:

1) G/S/C
2) D/Pe/Pl
3) R/B/G/Y
4) Ru/Sa/E
5) Fire Red/LG


Currently playing: Civ 6