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Gamerace said:

Actually Saint's Row did great (I was kidding btw). SR2 not as great but I think it'll be profitable but not wildly so. Otherwise it's hard to tell without THQ providing a complete breakdown to see where the hit and misses are.



How profitable does a game have to be for you to consider it "wildly" profitable. 

Consider: If THQ receives only 20 dollars for each game sold(seems low to me, but suffices to make a point) then to date they will have earned over 26 M dollars on it, and ~40M on the first.   If they receive $30 per game then those numbers jump to around 40M so far for SR2, and 60M for the first.  60M has been rumored as the budget for KZ2, don't try and tell me you think Saints Row came even close to that in dev costs.