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I had a lot of fun with this game having sunk approx. 10 hrs. into the single player, 10 into playing other people's levels & 15 making my own level.  There's 1 significant flaw, however, that people overlook.  It's damn hard to get any sort of exposure for your level & get anyone to play it.  I'm not talking about getting hearts since those obviously need to be earned.  I'm talking about simply getting plays.  Last check after approx. 1 month, I had a total of 13 plays on my level.  I'm sure the problem is that there are simply so many levels out there that most people only play those levels that already have a lot of plays and/or hearts.  Few people go looking for those hidden gems that few people have played yet.  I was not willing to spend another dozen or more hours creating another level just to get a handful of plays.  Don't chime in and say, "Your level must suck.  That's why nobody plays it."  How does anyone know wether it sucks or not if barely anybody's played it?  The biggest draw for me in LBP was the level creation and that killed it for me.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.