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Esa-Petteri said:
Gamerace said:


 Neither is blaming Wii nor their 'casual' games since they are all profitable but not huge moneymakers for them.   THQ especially relies on Wii/DS for their kiddie/licensed games.  Nor do those games need to be huge moneymakers since they are not expensive either.  It's the HD AAA games take do poorly that cost them huge revenue.   But instead of making more profitable mass market games they are focusing on even bigger budget HD games and hoping to have a huge hit - with a huge risk 


What are those "HD AAA" games what THQ has made that did so poorly?


Well... ah... Saint's Row?  Yeah, okay, you got me there.  Poor wording (and edited out).  THQ isn't really an AAA publisher but looks like their going to try to be which could be suicide if they are overreliant on that being a hit.