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Legend11 said:

Funny that the original poster should mention THQ and EA of all companies. EA which is the biggest third-party on the Wii and is blaming it for their current problems. THQ which has put significant resources into Wii games and is now losing more money than last year. Sorry folks but when it comes to third party software the Wii has serious obstacles for third-parties to overcome.  Very diverse userbase, Nintendo domination of software sales, etc.

On a side note THQ is pouring a significant amount of money into Deadly Creatures (Billy Bob Thornton and Dennis Hopper are now involved with the project). As well you'll see significant advertising. So when this game bombs (and yes I'm calling it right now, sales will be disappointing, well maybe not as far as Wii third-party games are concerned) I'll look forward to seeing what creative excuses people will come up with for the game's sales.


 Neither is blaming Wii nor their 'casual' games since they are all profitable but not huge moneymakers for them.   THQ especially relies on Wii/DS for their kiddie/licensed games.  Nor do those games need to be huge moneymakers since they are not expensive either.  It's the HD games focused on the core market take do poorly that cost them huge revenue.   But instead of making more profitable mass market games they are focusing on even bigger budget HD games and hoping to have a huge hit - with a huge risk involved.

But your missing the point.  Deadly Creatures is not casual, neither is De Blob.  De Blob is selling fine.  Personally I have no idea who DC's is going to be marketed for and I expect it too bomb too.   Casual games should be pick-up and play and playable for short durations to accomodate people's busy lives.  Neither of those games caters to that.  Furthermore I'm talking brands not individual titles.  Ubisoft gives a lot of credit to it's various casual brands (Imagine, Petz, etc) for keeping it in the black.  WoW and GH are huge casual brands for Activision.  Mario and Wii are huge brands for Nintendo.   EA only has Sims (old) and THQ has none.