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axumblade said:
CAL4M1TY said:
Neoraf said:

Am I the only PS3 owner not excited by Home?

Should I give it a try?
Even if I find Second Life useless and boring?
Even if I don't care about Avatars on my 360?
Even if I won't buy a headset for my PS3 (already have one on my 360)?

So... should I stay away from Home?
I didn't even plan to try it at all...

Am I the only one?


You're not the only one.

I think it's a waste of development time and resources for a product that won't boost sales at all. Why won't it boost sales? well, the only people I could see choosing a PS3 over the 360 or Wii based solely on HOME (the "casuals") don't even know this thing exists.

On top of that, aside from displaying trophy's in your room, HOME doesn't differentiate itself far enough from social "games" that are free online (i.e Second Life) and it's certainly not as robust or expanded (yet), so why would anyone go from something like Second Life, for which they've built a "life" to this and pay for the entry fee (PS3)?

I guess it could be a thank you to the PS3 owners that have stuck by Sony, but as one myself, I would have much rather have gotten free DLC or more exclusives/games on the platform.

I will be playing around with HOME for about 3 minutes.

You can call it trolling or whatever, but if you honestly believe this will boost PS3 sales (and thus, a waste of resources for Sony), you're (no offence) deluded.

. . .

You own a PS3? O.o


I have the same opinion as these two.  I have a feeling the majority of PS3 owners will not use this.  Why? Because the PS3 is almost entirely an elitest hardcore console.  The vast majority of their users are not casuals.  Many will get into it at first maybe, as with any new thing, but most of the hardcore like myself and other PS3 owners will lose interest quickly.  Paying to customize your aparment and avatar?  No thanks.  I was in the beta as well, and as a hardcore/casual gamer (depends on the game really) I found Home pointless and boring.  I'll get Killzone 2, and play that, as well as watch Blu-Ray and play any other games before I would ever waste time in Home.