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Well, as we all know Nintendo has dominated this gen with their latest system the Wii, but I wanted to know.. what's next for Nintendo? I think its safe to say the Wii is drawing in the casual crowd while Sony and Microsoft split the hardcore and get a few casuals along the way.. anyways... to me the wii has two fanbases.. the casuals who thought it would be cool to play with motion control.. and the Nintendo fans.. but what are they going to do with the next system? IMO I don't think the crowd Nintendo captured will be rushing out to buy another system without it having some major innovative things to go with it but there really isn't anything left for gaming.. its mostly all been done.. motion control.. touch screen.. eye toy like gaming.. its pretty much all be done all they can do is build on it to make it better... so anyways I didn't think the casual crowd would feel a need to update unless they take a more serious interest in gaming which in turn could cause them to take interest in a different console.. so I was wondering... what do you think will happen next gen... will Nintendo go for a more powerful console in hopes of getting that addict market.. or stick to their guns and go for the casuals again.. and do you think they will be so willing to adopt a new console without any drastic changes? Either way next gen will definitely be an interesting one. Thoughts? Uggh... sorry about the text wall... but I did this on my phone and for some reason its random and doesn't let me space things out..


1. Wii will never reach 50% market share.

2. Kz2 will sell 1.3 first week 3.5 LT.
Sales predictions for 09.

Wii - 69 - 72
PS3 - 32 - 34
X360 - 39 - 41