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Soleron said:
SamuelRSmith said:
How can someone with such strong views to do with anti-corporations and open source, 'n' shit, love a corporation so much to the point of not playing anything else other than what that corporation makes, and replaying their old stuff until they release something new.

I'm not anti-corporation. I think the free market is the best solution in most cases. I hate monopolies (they make the market less free) and companies breaking the law, especially antitrust. I also an anti-patents.

I agree my position on open-source is opposite to my Nintendo alignment, but the open-source model doesn't work for games, since games are all about creativity, uniqueness and surprise (which an open model would not deliver) whereas any other application (including game engines) would benefit from being open and sharing code to make it more efficient and  interoperable.


"Metroid Prime 3"

I said 'worth playing'. MP3 was a huge disappointment for me and I quit about 3/4 of the way through first time I played it.

"Wind Waker"

I'll look at that. I don't like Zelda games in general, but it looks different from the others...


I'm getting that when they remake it with Wii controls. Normally I don't think ports work, but RTS games are better with accurate pointing.

"Fire Emblem"

Well, I like Advance Wars, but FE seems like AW with story and depth, both of which I dislike in games. I'll take a look.

"Batallion Wars"

It appears to be made by a company with a poor reputation for games...

"Tales of Symphonia"

I've never tried a deep RPG like that. I'll take a look.

"Wii Music"

I'm getting that for Christmas, but I don't think I will enjoy it - I don't listen to pop music at all so the songs are alien to me.

"Wii Sports Resort"

Didn't like the first one...

"Bully" "No More Heroes"

Violence? No thanks.

"Mario & Luigi"

Cheap ripoff of Paper Mario. Dislike it.

"Metroid Zero Mission"

Forgot to add that to my intial list. Replayed that too.




Wait a minute. Please don't say Mario & Luigi is a cheap ripoff. You might go as far as saying it is a ripoff, but certainly not a cheap one. I played the GBA version and thought it was better than Paper Mario TTYD.

About pikmin, I was also waiting for the wii version but couldn't wait and played it. The controls might improve in the remake, but they are in no way any bad with the GC controller. Amazing game.

From your list of games, I think you would also like the Wario series of games. I only played Wario Land 4 on the GBA but thought it was a good game. There is also one for the DS and Wario Shake for the Wii.