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Honestly, the people supporting this (I'm looking at you halogamer), what do you expect to happen? Do you honestly think that they will revoke his right to be president after he won in a landslide? Is that really what you would want? Could you imagine the repercussions? The entire country would explode, quite possibly violently rioting in the streets. The entire world would look on in disgust seeing as how countries all around the world celebrated his victory. America would not gain anything from it. So what? You just want the smug satisfaction of saying he shouldn't have been alowed to run? Some sort of justification for your disdain for him? Ideally speaking what is it that these people are shooting for? What do they or you want?

The man is going to be president come January 20th, if you want to support your country, you support him. If you want to continue being a partisan rabble rouser that cares more about abstract ideology than anything actually tangible, then go ahead and bicker and moan.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.